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Four Science-Backed Benefits of Sound Therapy
Sound therapy, also known as sound healing, seems a strange trend, yet it is far more than just a fad. It is ancient history—literally.
But don’t dismiss it just because it’s ancient. Current science has given some legitimacy to this historical knowledge, and plenty of research has suggested that sound therapy positively impacts health, mental well-being, and stress reduction.
What is Sound Therapy?
Sound therapy is based on recognising that sound vibrations deeply impact our well-being on a “neurological, physiological, and biochemical level” and channelling them towards self-improvement.
Think of some sounds and the reactions they induce. For example, your favourite exercise playlist comprises energetic beats that pump you up and probably has little to no soft ballads. Likewise, the sound of nails on a chalkboard is bound to make you uncomfortable. This is because each vibration within sound profoundly affects our bodies’ multiple systems.
Many ancient cultures knew all about this. For example, some Buddhist religious practices use inverted bells with an upper rim called singing bowls to produce gentle musical notes that can aid meditation.
Sound therapy builds upon this ancient knowledge and uses specific sounds, music, or vibrations to disconnect you from external stimuli and promote positive changes in a certain way.
And by now, science has begun to catch up to determine the many potential benefits of sound therapy.
How Does Sound Therapy Work?
When scheduling a “sound bath”— a sound therapy session—you will be exposed to many different sounds according to your body’s needs. Crystal singing bowls, Himalayan singing bowls, and many other devices will produce sounds that will relax your body.
While the reasoning behind this process isn’t exactly understood, most experts speculate that sound therapy uses specific vibrations that can alter brain waves, shifting from the fast and alert gamma waves to the alpha state of relaxation or even the theta waves of a meditation state.
Benefits of Sound Therapy
As mentioned, sound therapy can encourage your brain to increase alpha or even theta waves, associated with extreme relaxation. According to multiple studies, these waves help people suffering from stress and generalised anxiety disorder.
Theoretically, entering this state of deep relaxation activates the parasympathetic nervous system—a network of nerves that release soothing hormones to help you relax after periods of stress, brought forward by the sympathetic nervous system.
According to some promising studies by the American Heart Association, there is a clear link between sound waves and brain activity, leading to decreased blood pressure, improved heart rate, and reduced headaches.
While the study refers to a particular type of neurotechnology, the link between sound and heart health is more than evident. Likewise, another study established that music therapy, a version of sound therapy, efficiently controls hypertensive patients’ blood pressure and heart rate.
As the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services expresses, music and other types of sound efficiently alleviate acute and chronic pain, ranging from dental pain to childbirth.
Most recently, a 2022 study on mice determined that whisper-level sounds reduced pain response, even long after the waves stopped playing.
It may be surprising, but according to the National Eczema Association, sound therapy may be a viable option for managing and controlling eczema.
Since stress can trigger eczema flares, sound therapy offers a way to release negative emotions and activate the parasympathetic nervous system without engaging in movement that triggers friction or sweating, both of which can make eczema worse.
The Sound of Healing
Sound therapy is a cost-efficient, simple, and effortless way to nurture yourself and allow your mind a much-needed break. A simple session is all it takes to decide whether or not it is for you, so consider it a nurturing experience for the mind, body, and soul.